Free HIV Aids Treatment in Canada

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on HIV Aids prevention and treatment. These Ngos provide Free or subsidized health care services to those suffering from Hiv. These services include provision of medications and counselling services. These NPOs also run awareness campaigns among mass on preventing transmission of HIV and other STDs. Total Results = 29

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LetsStopAIDS promote HIV prevention and knowledge sharing through youth involvement and leadership. LetsStopAIDS is a youth-driven HIV charity that encourages youth to take action on HIV in their local communities.
Nine Circles helps people living with HIV and STI by providing testing, education, and treatment, as well as coordinating medical and social support. They contribute to increasing Manitobans’ access to HIV, Hep C and STBBI testing, care and support.
It has grown to include 45 agencies, making it one of the most influential health movements. They are leaders in the AIDS movement, with representation on the Ontario Ministry of Health Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS and the Ontario HIV Treatment Network.
The PLWA Network is a community-based NGO that provides care, support, education, and wellness to people living with HIV/AIDS in the City of Saskatoon and in the Province of Saskatchewan.
Their mission is to recognize the gaps and create support services and programs for people living with HIV and their loved ones, friends, and family. Their goal is to educate and raise awareness about HIV and how to prevent transmission.
Teresa Group is Canada's oldest community-based charity that helps children and their families affected by HIV/AIDS and aids patients through leadership, education, and innovation. They are working for HIV patients and persons living with HIV.