Child Rights and Welfare NGOs in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on children rights and Welfare. They work for prevention of violence against children and ensuring they have access to basic necessities of life. These Ngos also work in co-ordination with governments on laws related to rights of children. They also run various programs promoting welfare of children. Total Results = 272

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Uplift a Child (Vonumu International) is a child education NGO in Andhra Pradesh. Their goal is to find underprivileged and needy kids, enroll them in school, and provide them with support during their 12 years of education, ending with high school.
Mad is an NGO for children in Mumbai. Their mission is to empower the children of India through life skills, exposure, developmental needs, and basic needs. MAD follows all financial regulations set forth for non-profits by the Government of India.
World Vision India is an international NGO working in India. They are working in the field of education, water, sanitation and hygiene, disability, humanitarian emergency assistance, livelihood, gender and development, etc.
SOS is one of the best NGO in Jammu. That provides orphan homes in Jammu & Kashmir and cares for the children of Jammu. The SOS Children’s Village in Jammu started its activities in 1998.
Childline India Foundation helps children in need of care & protection by responding to calls on 1098. CIF is one of the best NGOs for child rights in India. For millions of kids in India, the phone number CHILDLINE 1098 represents hope.