Women Rights NGOs in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on women rights. They work for prevention of violence against women and ensuring they have access to basic necessities of life and a way of earning a decent livelihood. These ngos also work in co-ordination with governments on laws related to rights of women. Many such organizations also provide free legal assistance to vulnerable women. Total Results = 67

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Bharatiya Mahila Federation (Thane Samiti) is a voluntary social organisation for women, dedicated to gender equality and social justice. It is an affiliate of one of the oldest all-India women's organisations,
CHRSW has been working for health, education, family planning, RCH, adolescent difficulties, human rights, women's issues, 'Communal Harmony' and awareness among homeless people, poor Muslims and Dalits.
Eva Foundation is a registered non-profit organization working for free legal aid and women’s rights in Patna, Bihar.