Development NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working for development activities in urban and rural areas. These Ngos through donor funding introduce projects for the uplift of villages and cities. Projects include tree plantation drives, beach cleanup drives, water filtration, sanitation facilities etc.. Total Results = 332

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Give India is India's largest & most trusted giving platform. They are also working to end poverty and food insecurity in India. The Give Foundation exists to alleviate poverty by delivering impactful social initiatives in India.
LEPRA Society is an NGO for health and development in Telangana. Since 1989, the LEPRA Society has been striving to reduce the incidence and impact of neglected and leprosy diseases.
Oxfam India is an international NGO in Delhi. Working for humanitarian response, economic justice, disaster recovery and management, gender justice, social inclusion, and making sanitation & hygiene facilities accessible.
NSS is a charitable organization in Rajasthan. It is well known for providing charitable services in India that address a range of issues related to the rehabilitation and treatment of people with disabilities. It was established in 1985.
UWM is a non-profit organization and an international NGO in Mumbai that works in urban and rural communities across India. UWM collaborates closely on CSR initiatives with numerous corporations and a network of more than 500 NGOs.
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has made a major contribution and demonstrated progress toward the goal of inclusive development in India. RIL is led by Nita Ambani to catalyze sustainable development in India. It is one of the top NGOs in India.
A non-profit organization in India that has been making a sustainable difference for over 125 years. Established India’s first cancer care hospital and also working in the fields of education, WASH, digital transformation, skill development, etc.
Thuvakkam is an NGO for environment protection in Chennai, also working for disaster relief, zero hunger, and the betterment of society. The name ‘Thuvakkam’ originates from the Tamil language and translates to “beginning." It started in 2014.
United Way is an international NGO in Bangalore, started in 2008. That works with communities to take local action for global impact. Their key focus area are education and livelihood, environment, rural rising, and engaging corporate volunteers
Youngistaan is an NGO based in India that works to improve the lives of the most underprivileged people through programs that address poverty, hunger, homelessness, education inequity, gender inequality, taboos on menstruation, and many more issues.