Housing NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working for providing shelter to the homeless as well as working on promoting housing affordability.. Total Results = 53

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Salaam Baalak Trust is an NGO for children in Delhi. Their aim is to provide holistic support to working and street children in India. They provide shelter, meals, literacy programs, medical support, and vocational training to ensure their basic rights.
Housing affordability NGO working for the affordability of housing in India. They help families beyond building homes. They work across India to build better livelihoods through housing, microfinance support, sanitation, and disaster risk reduction.
Banyan is mental health NGO. They offer comprehensive mental health services in a variety of community and institutional settings for people with mental health issues living in homelessness and poverty.
New Light is an NGO working in Kolkalta that offers comprehensive community development services, which aims to to promote gender equality through education and life-skill training thereby reducing harm caused by violence and abuse to women and children.