Legal NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working for free or subsidized legal aid services for non affording population. It includes legal advice, support as well as court cases.. Total Results = 35

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GLF is an NGO providing legal literacy. Their mission is to spread legal awareness in India by educating people about their rights, duties, laws, & provisions and providing free legal aid in India to the needy by obtaining suitable legal assistance.
SLIC is a legal aid NGO in Delhi. Their mission is to create a justice delivery system that is accessible, efficient, accountable, affordable, and pro-poor.
Namati is an NGO for law & injustice. Namati is a learning organization. With their partners and their network members, they are continually working to understand how best to advance justice through legal empowerment in India.
They are providing free legal help and free legal advice in Haryana.
Majlis is a legal aid NGO in India, working for the protection of women's rights and children’s rights through legal representation, advocacy, and training. Rahat offers legal & social support to women and children victims of sexual and domestic violence.
Saviour Foundation organize free legal advice work for the needy in society.
Providing free legal support in Bihar to the needy and deserving people.
They promote good governance and justice by enhancing regional responses, including regional instruments, monitoring human rights violations, and reviewing laws, policies, and practices that have a negative impact on human rights.
MARG advocates for legal empowerment in India and legal services for underprivileged and vulnerable groups, including women, children, people with disabilities, dalits, the impoverished, and others.
Founded in October 2016 with the intention of combining campaigns for legal awareness and legal aid in India. ProBono India has explored a variety of fields, including legal aid, legal awareness, legal intervention, legal journalism, legal activism etc.