Specific Diseases NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working for for prevention and treatment of specific diseases. This includes diseases like cancer, blood diseases, Hiv Aids, Parkinsons etc.. Total Results = 289

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An NGO for cancer care in India. The Cuddles Foundation is examining the nutritional contributions to childhood cancer. Putting the spotlight on the value of nutritional support in the treatment of childhood cancer. helping children fight against cancer.
You We Can is an NGO for cancer in India, initiated by Yuvraj Singh. Their mission is to empower all people to defeat cancer through awareness. The Yuvraj Singh Foundation is a charity foundation for cancer in India.
WCC is a charity organization for cancer care in Punjab. They are working to create awareness and early detection of cancer among people living in all states of India. Their organization is working on these programs through mobile camps in India.
Alliance India supports the delivery of community-based HIV programs and HIV testing. They are working to prevent HIV infection and promote Hiv Aids treatment in India.
HCG is one of India's largest cancer care NGOs. Providing best cancer treatment in India. They are making cancer care holistic and personalized just for you by providing the best cancer hospitals in India. HCG is a leading healthcare provider in India.
DKMS is a blood cancer NGO in India dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and other blood disorders like aplastic anemia and thalassemia. They are also working on blood stem cell donations. Their aim is to fight against blood cancer in India.
Access Life Assistance Foundation is an NGO for cancer treatment patients. They provide a caring and temporary home for the parent or caregiver as well as the child receiving cancer treatment.