List of NGOs in Mumbai

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Mumbai. Total Results = 324

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It work passionately in the areas of health, education, and rural development. Also run 4 program under healthcare initiative, conducting cancer screening camps, providing support for cancer patients, etc. NDF is a free health care NGO in India
This is a scholarship NGO in India that provides 100% merit-based scholarships in India. The program offers full and partial scholarships as interest-free loans. Scholarship awards are for selected scholars who meet the high standards defined by the NSF.
Awaaz is an emergency rescue service in Mumbai.
IDA India is a non-governmental organization for animal welfare. They treat more than 1,000 animals per month. IDA is a grass-roots animal protection NGO dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of animals.
Humsafar Trust is first LGBTQ organization in India. advocating for the health and rights of LGBTQ+ people in India that aims to enhance the socio-economic inclusion of transgender persons in Maharashtra and all over the country.