Legal NGOs and Charities in Mumbai

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on free or subsidized legal aid services for non affording population. It includes legal advice, support as well as court cases. in Mumbai. Total Results = 3

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Their mission is to provide free legal aid to the poor, innocent, non-habitual, first-time offenders and to release them on bail from jail. This is an NGO for free legal advice and free legal aid in India.
They promote good governance and justice by enhancing regional responses, including regional instruments, monitoring human rights violations, and reviewing laws, policies, and practices that have a negative impact on human rights.
Majlis is a legal aid NGO in India, working for the protection of women's rights and children’s rights through legal representation, advocacy, and training. Rahat offers legal & social support to women and children victims of sexual and domestic violence.