List of NGOs in Shillong

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Shillong. Total Results = 21

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Bethany Society is a charitable society in Shillong that works as a disability support NGO. They create opportunities, especially for people with disabilities, through education and environmentally friendly livelihoods.
Impulse is a human trafficking NGO. They address unsafe migration and human trafficking with an Innovation Impulse Model, a single window. Their mission is to end human trafficking.
NEN is a non-profit organization working for women's rights. They are working with and for women of all ethnicities, sexual and gender identities, disabilities, cultures, and spaces. They are working as a women's welfare NGO in Meghalaya.
Sauramandala is an NGO in Shillong that solves the issues of remote and inaccessible communities by accelerating social and economic change through collective action. Founded in 2018.
Faith is a child rights NGO in Shillong that is working for the rights and welfare of children.
Grassroot is a youth empowerment NGO that works for youth welfare and empowers indigenous people through capacity building, skills development activities, and sustainable livelihood programs. They also defend and promote indigenous people's rights.
BLT India is a non-profit organization based in Shillong, Meghalaya. Their purpose is to preserve the rights of the blind and visually impaired while also improving the future of young blind people. This is an NGO working for blind people.
This is a social service NGO in Meghalaya that works in the fields of health care, education, vocational training, and cultural and national integration programs.
This is a charitable organization in Shillong that works in the areas of skill development, education, livelihood development, employment generation, sanitation, women’s welfare, agriculture, health and hygiene, youth and sports, and elderly welfare.
This is a welfare organization in Shilong that aims to work for the development of the underprivileged populace of society, irrespective of color, creed, caste, or gender. They work to improve the lives of the deprived sections of society.