List of NGOs, Charities and Non-profits in Louisville

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Louisville. Total Results = 22

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Shirley's Way is an NGO in Kentucky that raises money for patients undergoing cancer treatment.
A charity in Kentucky, Gilda's Club Kentuckiana provides a supportive community and a range of programs to help cancer patients, their families, or any members of their circle who are struggling.
Twisted Pink is a non-profit in Kentucky. By funding bold breakthroughs in research and raising awareness of metastatic breast cancer, they offer individuals living with this disease a sense of hope and connection.
The Colon Cancer Prevention Project is an NGO based in Kentucky that aims to raise awareness of colorectal cancer by involving young people and rewarding their research and creative ideas. Their goal is to end preventable colon cancer death and suffering.