Free Mental Health Help n Treatment in Bangalore

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing Free or Subsidized mental health care services to masses. These include therapy sessions, psychiatrist consultations, in-patient care, trauma therapy, helpline and mental health awareness programmes.. Total Results = 7

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White Swan is an NGO for mental health, providing mental facility with well-researched information for mental illnesses and disorders. They primarily work in the field of mental health awareness. Also focus on mental disorder and depression treatment.
APD is a disabled NGO in India. Working towards the education, employment, and rehabilitation of people with disabilities (PwD). APD serves people of all ages who suffer from a wide variety of physical and mental disabilities.
Heart It Out provides mental health services in Bangalore. They provide online therapy in India. focuses on a wide range of topics, including career counseling, child therapy, family therapy, individual therapy, couples therapy, and more.