Community Development NGOs and Charities in Mumbai

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on community development activities. These include projects for basic infrastructure improvement, civic awareness sessions and others.. Total Results = 28

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UWM is a non-profit organization and an international NGO in Mumbai that works in urban and rural communities across India. UWM collaborates closely on CSR initiatives with numerous corporations and a network of more than 500 NGOs.
A non-profit organization in India that has been making a sustainable difference for over 125 years. Established India’s first cancer care hospital and also working in the fields of education, WASH, digital transformation, skill development, etc.
Shree Siddhivinayak Ganapati Temple at Prabhadevi in Mumbai is involved in several charitable activities like financial support for free healthcare in Mumbai, a dialysis center, educational resources, and a library.
An animal shelter NGO in India that dedicates itself to working with stray animals. Utkarsh has a two-step approach to humane coexistence: an animal birth control program and medical care. it is a non-profit organization for animals, based in Mumbai.