Hunger, Food insecurity NGOs and Charities in Mumbai

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing free or subsidized ration and grocery items to low income families. These ngos also provide free food in times of natural calamities.. Total Results = 5

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Annamrita Foundation is an NGO in Mahrashtra and other states in India, working against hunger. They collaborate with central and state government entities to blend excellence into their free food donation program. It is one of the best NGOs in India.
An NGO for cancer care in India. The Cuddles Foundation is examining the nutritional contributions to childhood cancer. Putting the spotlight on the value of nutritional support in the treatment of childhood cancer. helping children fight against cancer.
Lions Clubs is one of the top international NGOs in India, working for community development. Their focus areas are: hunger, childhood cancer, vision, youth, disaster relief, humanitarians, diabetes, and health. LCIF was founded in 1968.
DBM is an NGO for child education, women's empowerment, & generating employment for the underprivileged section of society. They also provide scholarships and vocational training in Mumbai.