Youth Welfare NGOs and Charities in Hyderabad

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on youth welfare. They run training and counselling programs for the youth. Programs focus on developing leadership, inter-personal communication and other skills.. Total Results = 4

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Youngistaan is an NGO based in India that works to improve the lives of the most underprivileged people through programs that address poverty, hunger, homelessness, education inequity, gender inequality, taboos on menstruation, and many more issues.
The Nirmaan Organization is working for the development of youth and blood donation in India. Also focusing on education, skill development & entrepreneurship, social leadership, youth welfare, and disability support in India.
They've earned the title of "The Best NGO in India" in 2020. Their mission is to unlock individuals' potential for positive change through innovative, empathy-driven programs that promote sustainability & social empowerment. They are working in 15 states.