Micro Finance and Micro Credit NGOs and Charities in Lahore

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing affordable credit to poverty stricken population. These ngos provide soft loans and easy terms for various urgent needs of the people. Some also run micro credit banks.. Total Results = 9

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Akhuwat is an NGO in Lahore that is focused on poverty alleviation. Akhuwat Microfinance Bank provides interest-free loans and interest-free microfinance to the underprivileged. The Akhuwat Foundation also works on health and education services.
Kashf Foundation provides microfinance on easy terms to those in need. especially to women from low-income households. It is based in Lahore, Punjab. They are focused on providing easy loans in Pakistan.
DEEP Foundation’s mission is to promote the development & economic empowerment of people.

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Seed Out is a microfinance bank in Pakistan. Their mission is to eliminate poverty by creating microentrepreneurs by providing interest-free microfinance. They also provide entrepreneurial solutions for the underprivileged.
Wasil Foundation offers a wide range of programs that are designed to help communities and individuals raise themselves out of poverty. Wasil Foundation offers Islamic microfinance. They provide loans and microcredit to microenterprises and poor people.

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