Free Cancer Treatment and Care in Detroit

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on running and maintaining welfare centers or hospitals for the support of cancer patients and their treatment. These provide subsidized or free health care services.. Total Results = 16

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A non-profit organization, Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan offers children receiving cancer treatment in the state of Michigan free wigs and cancer support services.
Pink Fund is an NGO in Michigan. Through education, community engagement, and the payment of household bills, they are improving the lives of those receiving breast cancer treatment.
Karmanos Cancer Institute, a Michigan-based charity organization's objective is to lead the way in transformative cancer care, research, and education through courage, commitment, and compassion.
The Blood Cancer Foundation of Michigan is a non-profit. Their goal is to support Michigan patients and their families on their journey with blood cancer by looking out for their emotional, social, and financial needs.