Animals NGOs and Charities in Hyderabad

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting animals. Some ngos are focused on conversation of wildlife and their habitat, while others are focused on rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Prevention of cruelty against animals is a core focus of these ngos. in Hyderabad. Total Results = 7

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Animal Welfare Society (AWS) is working as an animal welfare NGO. AWS is one of the organizations in India that collaborates with local bodies to improve the welfare of animals.
Blue Cross of Hyderabad focuses all its resources on street animal birth control, vaccinations, and animal welfare training to reduce animal suffering in the most sustainable and impactful way. It is an animal welfare NGO in Hyderabad.
It is working as an animal shelter for cows, with about 700 cows and calves in Hyderabad, Telangana. Currently, they are focusing on the recovery of Gowmatas affected by the Lumpy Virus Epidemic and getting all the Gowmatas in Gowshala to full health.
PFA is one of the largest animal welfare NGOs in India. PFA Hyderabad's founding members have been tireless advocates for animal welfare, animal rights, and cruelty prevention. They provide veterinary care of sick, injured, and abused domestic animals.
Srikrishna Goseva Mandal's mission is to become India's largest and model cow care provider by safeguarding and nurturing cows, studying different breeds and their behaviours, and carrying out all connected operations.
Stray Animal Foundation is a foster-focused and animal shelter organization that is working to build a strong, compassionate animal welfare network in Hyderabad, India, providing shelter infrastructure, vet care, supplies, education, and manpower.
SWAN participates in a variety of activities aimed at improving the welfare of animals and the environment. Their purpose goes beyond ending animal abuse. SWAN is working for animal welfare and rescue in Hyderabad, India.