Health NGOs and Charities in Chennai

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing free or subsidized healthcare facilities to those in need. Support services by these Ngos include Mental health, disability support, eye care, maternity health, patient welfare societies, population welfare etc. in Chennai. Total Results = 31

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Their aim is to provide subsidized or free dialysis and financial assistance for transplantation, medication, and investigation costs to the underprivileged with kidney disease. The Tanker Foundation also does awareness programmes on kidney disease.
Arvind is an eye care hospital in Tamil Nadu. Their mission is to provide affordable eye care treatment to all and reduce corneal blindness through eye banking activities, training, research, and a public awareness program.
IVI is an NGO for blind people in Chennai with the goal of enhancing India's primary eye care capacity by providing access to best eye care services for underprivileged and rural Indians.