Rights NGOs and Charities in Varanasi

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting rights of vulnerable groups. These NGOs work for child rights, consumer rights, human rights education, human rights, indigenous people, journalists rights and welfare associations, labour rights and welfare, religious minorities rights, prison reform violence against women, women rights, veterans rights and youth welfare in Varanasi. Total Results = 4

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Divi Welfare Society's vision is to promote children's education in India. They work for poverty alleviation. an educational NGO in Varanasi
VESS is a non-profit organization working for women's empowerment, poverty alleviation, water and sanitation, agriculture, environment, drug addiction, youth affairs, and HIV/AIDS awareness. The humanitarian NGO in Uttar Pradesh
Yuva Foundation is a community development organization that has been actively promoting social development programs, urban and rural community welfare initiatives, and the growth and welfare of disadvantaged street children, orphans, and needy women.