Animals NGOs and Charities in Lahore

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting animals. Some ngos are focused on conversation of wildlife and their habitat, while others are focused on rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Prevention of cruelty against animals is a core focus of these ngos. in Lahore. Total Results = 14

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WWF Pakistan is the country office for the international NGO 'The World Wide Fund for Nature' It is a Sweden international NGO that works for wilderness preservation and reducing of human impact on the environment.
It is an international NGO working for animal rescue and welfare in Pakistan. It's office is based in Lahore, Punjab. It partners with local NGOs in Pakistan to carry out its relief work.
JFK is a non-profit that rescues, treats and rehabilitates sick and injured street animals in Lahore. It also has an animal hospital and animal shelter in Lahore.
Todd's welfare established Lahore's first shelter for animals. This Lahore based NGO works for saving lives of the sick, injured and abused animals.
Animals Sphere is a group of veterinarians trying to build healthy relations between humans and animals. working for rescue and welfare for the animals.

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They are working for the facilitation of outdoor animals and animal homes. Their aim is to help and rescue the animals in need, to give them suitable medical treatment, and to foster them until they get adopted through a proper channel.
NKH is an NGO for animal welfare and rescue in Lahore. They are working for the treatment of animals, cat adoption, dog adoption, and other rescue services for abandoned animals.

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