Rights NGOs and Charities in Lahore

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting rights of vulnerable groups. These NGOs work for child rights, consumer rights, human rights education, human rights, indigenous people, journalists rights and welfare associations, labour rights and welfare, religious minorities rights, prison reform violence against women, women rights, veterans rights and youth welfare in Lahore. Total Results = 74

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HRCP is a Lahore based NGO which is a leading organization of Pakistan for the protection and promotion of Human Rights. Collecting, digitising and categorising data on human rights issues. It has offices in Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta as well.
It is an NGO dedicated to supporting victims of acid and kerosene burns. It was founded by Ms. Masarrat Misbah, a leading business woman of Pakistan.
Shirkatgah is a Pakistani NGO that works for female rights in Pakistan. It promotes gender equality, builds feminist movements, women's movements, and work for empowerment of poverty stricken women.
Bunyad is working for education and women’s rights. Their mission is to educate women living in rural areas so that they can become literate and stand up for themselves. It also works for youth development, labour law, and child protection in Pakistan.

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Center for Peace And Secular Studies is an NGO. It is working on human rights, women empowerment, effects of climate change on the environment, peace and conflict resolution in Pakistan.
DRF is a research based advocacy organization in Pakistan. Their work involves safeguarding women, minorities, and dissidents' rights to privacy and online freedom of expression. They have a special focus on digital rights.
White Ribbon Pakistan is an NGO in Lahore, working to stop all types of violence against women and gender discrimination in Pakistan. It also conducts training programs for men.

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