Specific Diseases NGOs and Charities in Karachi

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on for prevention and treatment of specific diseases. This includes diseases like cancer, blood diseases, Hiv Aids, Parkinsons etc. in Karachi. Total Results = 26

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It is providing specialized, advanced pediatric cancer care around the clock to children. CCH has aided in the diagnosis and treatment of over 4600 children with cancer and blood diseases. Their mission is to provide the best cancer treatment in Pakistan.
If you're looking for a free cancer hospital in Pakistan with a hospice, then you've come to the right place! Their mission is to provide free cancer care services to people affected by cancer in the community. Bait-ul-Sukoon is located in Karachi.
Their mission is to make cancer treatment accessible to all with no discrimination. Its ‘business model’ guarantees that the cost per patient is at least 40% lower than the cost per patient at other similar cancer hospitals in Pakistan.
It is a healthcare NGO in Pakistan. Their mission is to serve the community by providing quality, affordable healthcare services in Pakistan. Husaini was formed with the aim to provide safe blood to our communities through their blood banks.
Their goal is to make a difference in the national healthcare system by educating the public on the significance of early screening and detection of various hematological disorders. We work for the early detection of leukemia (blood cancer) in children.

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Their aim is the welfare of cancer patients, rehabilitation of the cancer patients, providing diagnostic facilities, creating awareness of cancer and leukemia disease, and raising funds and resources for the welfare of the cancer patients.

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