Specific Diseases NGOs and Charities in Augusta

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on for prevention and treatment of specific diseases. This includes diseases like cancer, blood diseases, Hiv Aids, Parkinsons etc. in Augusta. Total Results = 12

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Dempsey Center is a charity organization in Maine. It offers free personalized care via movement and fitness, integrative therapies, nutrition, counseling, support groups, and more.
A charity in Maine, Foundation4Love, provides integrative and holistic wellness services to those battling cancer.
Free ME from Lung Cancer is a cancer NGO in Maine. Their mission is to raise funds for community support, education, advocacy, and lung cancer research.
The Purple Iris Foundation is a non-profit organization. Its mission is to help those affected by cancer in Maine by raising awareness, providing support, and giving hope.
Sarah's House of Maine is an NGO in Maine. Its goal is to give cancer patients and their caregivers undergoing treatment at cancer care temporary housing in a comfortable, home-away-from-home environment.