Disaster Recovery and Management NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing emergency services for dealing with natural disasters. Also provide assistance in recovery operations. Recovery from natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, wildfires and man made disasters like wars. Total Results = 48

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HKF is a charitable organization in West Bengal. Their focus areas are education, health, vocational training, and child protection. They also provide emergency relief in Kolkata.
A social service NGO in Tamil Nadu is working for health care, food distribution, disaster relief, Awareness programs and environmental protection.
J&K Yateem Trust is one of the oldest NGO in Jammu, Kashmir. Its charity work includes Orphan Care, Scholarships, Aid to the poor, Financial support, Disaster Management, Nutrition, Medical Assistance and Vocational Training,
NEICORD is a humanitarian NGO dedicated to the assistance and development of people in India. We strive for community transformation through leadership development, health, education, food, nutrition, livelihood, and emergency response.