Blind - Visually Impaired NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing education and training for the visually impaired so they are able to earn livelihood. These ngos have specialized education programmes and schools teaching braille. Total Results = 39

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Sightsavers India is one of the best NGO for eye health in India. They prevent avoidable blindness, restore sight, and promote the rights of people with disabilities. Their efforts has enabled thousands of people to lead lives of independence and dignity.
MOHAN Foundation is working in the field of organ donation and transplantation in India.
Seva is an eye care NGO. Aims to provide free eye treatment in India. Since 1978, Seva has provided sight-saving surgeries, eyeglasses, medicine, and other eye care services to 57 million people in communities that are underprivileged.
Susrut is one of the leading eye care centers in Kolkata. Providing affordable eye care treatment. Specialize in cataract surgery, retina surgery, glaucoma, laser correction, cornea & refractive, pediatric ophthalmology, and neuro ophthalmology.
NAB Delhi is working for the blind, low vision, deafblind and multi-disabled of all age groups
Blind People Association is an NGO for blind people in India. The BPA and the Bareja General Hospital Trust collaborated to establish Porech Eye Hospital. The BPA believes that disability rights are equal to those of non-disabled people.
IVI is an NGO for blind people in Chennai with the goal of enhancing India's primary eye care capacity by providing access to best eye care services for underprivileged and rural Indians.
Arvind is an eye care hospital in Tamil Nadu. Their mission is to provide affordable eye care treatment to all and reduce corneal blindness through eye banking activities, training, research, and a public awareness program.
BFB is a blind care NGO in India. They are working to empower visually impaired individuals. They are dedicated to enhancing their quality of life and upholding their dignity. Also provides educational and career guidance to visually impaired girls.
The Blind Relief Association is an NGO for the blind and visually impaired. It provides education for the blind and vocational training for the blind.