Capacity Building and Training NGOs and Charities in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on capacity building of other organizations, mainly NGOs and NPOs. This is done through training programs. Total Results = 79

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Their mission is to provide necessary interventions, training, education, and assistance to all vulnerable groups. They focus on transgender rights, child rights, and child protection in Pakistan.

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VSO’s mission is to build sustainable communities and empower people to create resilient and sustainable livelihoods.
Their aim is to make Pakistan an energy self sufficient country by saving upto 30 % of energy through efficiency measures and awareness. WIE offers training workshops to address energy conservation and efficiency training needs.
Their mission is to promote and support young people who are unable to do so through advocacy work, personal and institutional growth and capacity building to play an active role in transforming Pakistan into a more inclusive and progressive nation.

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