List of NGOs in Madhya Pradesh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working in Madhya Pradesh. Total Results = 56

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Sahoday seva sanstha is an Indore NGO, which work in the areas of social justice, education, health, and the environment.
This is an NGO for social action in Indore works for the integral development of the underprivileged and marginalized people, who are deprived of their right to live as dignified and responsible citizens because of their ignorance, illiteracy, and poverty
The Human Help Foundation is an NGO in Bhopal. Serving everyone with quality medical care, teaching, research, and hospital services
The Good Work Foundation is a non-governmental organization that promotes employment opportunities, health, education, and charitable food distribution in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
Ek Kadam Madad ki organization based in Indore is bringing happiness to the less fortunate members of society in the areas of ecology, education, road safety, and women empowerment in India.
This is a welfare organization in Bhopal that provides young people with the necessary skills and tools. Creative Brains is elevating education and employment to a new level. It also works for youth employment and career guidance.
It is a non-profit organization in Indore. The central theme of our organization is to fight against malnutrition, save lives by donating blood, and lead the way towards a hunger-free and healthy society in Madhya Pradesh.