Education and Training NGOs in Madhya Pradesh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on literacy promotion. Their work includes managing schools for primary education, conducting adult literacy programs, vocational skill based training. Some are focused on educating those with special needs and differently abled individuals. in Madhya Pradesh. Total Results = 36

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this is an NGO working in India in the areas of education, healthcare, hunger, and women empowerment. Their vision is to contribute to building an India where all people can gain access to affordable education, health care, and livelihood opportunities.
ANSH is a youth welfare NGO that aims to offer an appropriate platform for youth to express their ideas and explore creative solutions for social problems, targets young people from diverse backgrounds, including university students and young farmers.
Aaroha is an NGO for child education. Their goal is to provide the best environment for the welfare of underprivileged children. providing them a quality education and assisting them in their development.
It is a disability support NGO in Indore. They are doing some research for the improvement of sign language. Through which they get the liberty to communicate with the world.
Think for Smile is working in the fields of education, healthcare, and skill development. They carry out events to create awareness among people regarding the importance of education and health in Bhopal.
Jwala is an NGO working for women's welfare in Indore. It is a feminist/activist organization in Madhya Pradesh.