List of NGOs in Tamil Nadu

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working in Tamil Nadu. Total Results = 100

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GLF is an NGO providing legal literacy. Their mission is to spread legal awareness in India by educating people about their rights, duties, laws, & provisions and providing free legal aid in India to the needy by obtaining suitable legal assistance.
Mother Teresa Foundation is running an orphanage in Chennai, as well as providing free meals every day to the needy and a scholarship program in India, especially to girl students and first-year graduates, through the Mother Teresa Scholarship Program.
Siruthuli is a water & environmental NGO in Coimbatore. works the water & environmental problems and for the protection of natural resources.
Banyan is mental health NGO. They offer comprehensive mental health services in a variety of community and institutional settings for people with mental health issues living in homelessness and poverty.
IVI is an NGO for blind people in Chennai with the goal of enhancing India's primary eye care capacity by providing access to best eye care services for underprivileged and rural Indians.
Arvind is an eye care hospital in Tamil Nadu. Their mission is to provide affordable eye care treatment to all and reduce corneal blindness through eye banking activities, training, research, and a public awareness program.