Community Development NGOs and Charities in Tamil Nadu

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on community development activities. These include projects for basic infrastructure improvement, civic awareness sessions and others. in Tamil Nadu. Total Results = 12

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Thuvakkam is an NGO for environment protection in Chennai, also working for disaster relief, zero hunger, and the betterment of society. The name ‘Thuvakkam’ originates from the Tamil language and translates to “beginning." It started in 2014.
Bhumi is the leading volunteer NGO and one of the largest youth organizations in India. They are improving everyone's future and changing the lives of children and youth in India by using the power of volunteerism.
United Way Chennai is an international NGO in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. They are working to uplift communities through sustainable & impactful interventions. It focuses on education, income & livelihood, environment, health & sanitation, and disaster relief.