Youth Welfare NGOs and Charities in Maharashtra

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on youth welfare. They run training and counselling programs for the youth. Programs focus on developing leadership, inter-personal communication and other skills. in Maharashtra. Total Results = 17

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Catalysts For Social Action CSA is an NGO for children in Mumbai that works toward the betterment of children and young adults, working for the last 20 years to build a foundation of hope and security for the children in need and youth.
Antarang Foundation is an NGO for youth that helps students discover their aspirations and make an informed career choice. The CareerAware and CareeReady programs from Antarang enable young students to investigate a variety of career opportunities.
Mad is an NGO for children in Mumbai. Their mission is to empower the children of India through life skills, exposure, developmental needs, and basic needs. MAD follows all financial regulations set forth for non-profits by the Government of India.
Yuva is a youth welfare NGO in Mumbai. They are providing vocational training and vocational skills. Aim to give a second chance to the education-deprived youth through wage or self-employment based on urban and rural livelihood training programs.