Animal Welfare and Rescue NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing rescue and rehabilitation services for injured or incarcerated animals. These NGOs often have expert veterinarians on their teams that perform surgeries on rescued animals. in Sindh. Total Results = 11

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Ayesha Chundrigar foundation is the most active animal rescue service for abused and injured animals in Karachi. It also has an animal sanctuary with qualified vets.
Pakistan Animal Welfare Society - PAWS works for welfare of animals in Pakistan. This Karachi based animal welfare NGO also helps in arranging adoption for rescued animals as well as increasing compassion towards animals in Pakistani society.
It is a charity based animal sanctuary for injured animals as well as abandoned house pets. The shelter also has veterinary doctors at its two facilities in Karachi.
Adopt a pet is a Karachi based animal welfare NGO that is dedicated to finding homes for rescued and abandoned animals. It tries to arrange adoption for such animals. Focuses on cat adoption.
KAWS is an animal rescue and welfare service in Karachi. It is a non-profit organization that also provides free treatment for injured animals and tries to arrange homes for them.

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The Benji Project provides TNVR (Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release) for stray dogs and cats in Pakistan. They also provide animal ambulances, comprising a total of 8 vehicles strategically stationed in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Charsadda, and Skardu.
A.R.T.S. offers the rescue and transportation of sick and injured animals. ARTS is working as an animal protection society. This is one of the largest cat rescue and animal care centers in Pakistan.
Huraira Foundation is one of the largest kitten sanctuary and cat shelters in Pakistan. They are working for the welfare of the cats and dogs. In their center, sick and injured animals receive treatment and care.
Awaz e Bezuban is Pakistan's first student-based animal welfare NGO and research center in Karachi. They provide TNVR (Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release) for stray animals. They are working for animal aid and animal rights.
This organization is working for animal welfare and rescue in Pakistan.

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