Cancer Care NGOs and Charities in Georgia

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on running and maintaining welfare centers or hospitals for the support of cancer patients and their treatment. These provide subsidized or free health care services. in Georgia. Total Results = 23

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A non-profit organization in Georgia, CURE Childhood Cancer is committed to ending childhood cancer by assisting patients and their families and providing funds for focused research.
A non-profit organization in Georgia, Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research empowers volunteers to raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer research to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and ultimately, a cure.
Jack & Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation is a charity in Georgia. The goal of JAJF is to provide children whose parents will die from cancer with a timeout to create indispensable memories as a family while they can.
Thumbs Up Mission is a charity in Atlanta, helping parent or child suffering from cancer. Their goal is to combat fear of cancer by bringing optimism and humor.
The charity I Will Survive, Inc. is based in Georgia. Their goal is to help people affected by breast cancer and those at higher risk by providing them financial support, prevention education, and health and wellness services.