Animals NGOs in Maharashtra

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting animals. Some ngos are focused on conversation of wildlife and their habitat, while others are focused on rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Prevention of cruelty against animals is a core focus of these ngos. in Maharashtra. Total Results = 69

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PETA India works for animal welfare and rescue in India. PETA is educating policymakers and the public about animal abuse and promoting an understanding of animal rights.
AMTM is an animal welfare organization in India working to create a safe and healthy world for every animal. Providing animal rescue, animal shelter, and animal ambulance in Mumbai. They are working for the welfare of stray dogs in the streets of Mumbai.
Save Our Strays is a Mumbai-based animal welfare charity. Their initiatives and programs are animal birth control, vaccination and rabies eradication, animal healthcare and first aid, and adoptions. This is an NGO for stray animals in Mumbai.
Awaaz is an emergency rescue service in Mumbai.
IDA India is a non-governmental organization for animal welfare. They treat more than 1,000 animals per month. IDA is a grass-roots animal protection NGO dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of animals.
Their aim is to eradicate rabies in Mumbai. To reduce the stray dog population through humane, effective methods. to encourage stray dog adoption. WSD is working for the welfare of stray dogs in Mumbai.