Specific Diseases NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on for prevention and treatment of specific diseases. This includes diseases like cancer, blood diseases, Hiv Aids, Parkinsons etc. in Punjab. Total Results = 21

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Shaukat Khanum cancer hospital is a charity dedicated to providing free cancer treatment in Pakistan. It has hospital and research centers. Founded by former Prime Minister and cricketer Mr. Imran Khan.
Pink Ribbon is an NGO focused on raising awareness about preventing and treating breast cancer in Pakistan. It also provides advisory services and financial support.
Inmol is dedicated to improving the quality of life for cancer patients through welfare activities. INMOL offers diagnostic and cancer treatment centers for patients. They also provide free medicines, leukemia treatment, and diet facilities for patients.
AIDS Prevention Association of Pakistan (APAP) is working on preventive health, HIV & AIDS and STIs awareness. It is based in Lahore.
AAS is an AIDS Awareness Society. Their mission is improving the quality of life by bringing behavioral change among people through education and awareness of causes of hiv aids with special focus on health.

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RAAH Foundation is an NGO based in Gujranwala. It is working for AIDS free Pakistan. Thier mission is to reduce HIV aids and STDs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases).
New Light AIDS Control Society is an HIV AIDS NGO in Pakistan. It has been working in Lahore since 1999 for the Hiv Aids treatment in Pakistan. Their mission is to raise awareness of the problems faced by people living with HIV and Aids.

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