Capacity Building and Training NGOs and Charities

Below is a list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on capacity building of other organizations, mainly NGOs and NPOs. This is done through training programs.. Total Results = 380

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Their mission is to promote sustainable community growth through a set of services in the areas of community physical infrastructure, human resource development, education, information technology & emergency relief with special focus on women and children
SHADE is a Balochistan based NGO that works for rights of women in Pakistan, and provides them free legal assistance.
Humsafar Trust is first LGBTQ organization in India. advocating for the health and rights of LGBTQ+ people in India that aims to enhance the socio-economic inclusion of transgender persons in Maharashtra and all over the country.
We 4 You is an NGO for blinds, working to help visually impaired students by providing audio textbooks for blinds and IT literacy for people with disabilities (PwDs). They also provide skill development and vocational training for the differently-abled.
CARAVAN has a ton of work done, with over 90+ projects that have been completed in a variety of industries, like health, education, government, farming, irrigation, construction, and relief and rehabilitation.
GBRSP was established in 2012. Their thematic areas are:- economic development, natural resource management, micro finance, renewable energy, social development, education service, health service etc.
SHED is a society for human & environmental development. They are providing humanitarian and development services through social mobilization, environmental initiatives and advocacy for sustainable development. They also works on rural women empowerment.