List of NGOs in Meerut

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Meerut. Total Results = 23

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Disha Sewa Sansthan is a NGO that works in the areas of education, health and awareness, water and sanitation, environmental protection, community empowerment, and skill development training. It is a social welfare NGO in Meerut.
An environmental NGO in Meerut Uttar Pradesh is a non-government organization that works for the environment and society.
A humanitarian NGO in Meerut is working in the fields of awareness programs, fitness and healthcare, helping underprivileged children, animals and wildlife conservation, human rights, and women empowerment. NGO in Uttar Pradesh.
We For Education Welfare Society is an NGO in Meerut that works in the fields of health, livelihood, education, and environment. This is a health care NGO in Uttar Pradesh.
The Betiyan Foundation is a charity NGO that works to provide education, self-defense, and independence for women. A women's welfare NGO in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh