Women Welfare NGOs and Charities in Meerut

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on promotion of women welfare. These ngos work on a range of areas such as providing affordable credit, training, education and arranging employment for marginalized and low income group women.. Total Results = 6

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Disha Sewa Sansthan is a NGO that works in the areas of education, health and awareness, water and sanitation, environmental protection, community empowerment, and skill development training. It is a social welfare NGO in Meerut.
The Betiyan Foundation is a charity NGO that works to provide education, self-defense, and independence for women. A women's welfare NGO in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
A women empowerment NGO that works for women empowerment and water conservation. women empowerment NGO in Meerut
Janhit Foundation is a non-profit NGO in Meerut that work on women's empowerment, water conservation, organic farming advancement, and child rights protection. it was established in 1998.
A community development NGO in Uttar Pradesh. Thematic areas: education, health, environment, food and nutrition, child protection, and women empowerment. This is working as poverty alleviation in NGOs in Meerut.