Free Health Care NGOs and Charities in Delhi City

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing free or subsidized health care and hospitalization services for the public. These Ngos run clinics as well as perform low cost surgeries for those who would otherwise be unable to afford it. They also run awareness campaigns for prevention of various diseases.. Total Results = 4

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It is an international NGO in India working for health, education, livelihood, & disaster relief. Their mission is to save lives, enable social protection, and defeat poverty. CARE India is working in 21 states, 290+ districts, and 93 programmes.
Sant Nirankari is a charitable foundation in India. working for healthcare, medical research, blood banks, dispensaries, health check-up camps, etc. They also provide vocational training courses in Delhi in their vocational training centers.
The main objective of the Relief India Trust is to facilitate better quality of life in all its realms through community mobilization based on sustainable natural resource management. Working on healthcare in India.