Disaster Recovery and Management NGOs and Charities in Delhi City

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing emergency services for dealing with natural disasters. Also provide assistance in recovery operations. Recovery from natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, wildfires and man made disasters like wars.. Total Results = 5

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It is an international NGO in India working for health, education, livelihood, & disaster relief. Their mission is to save lives, enable social protection, and defeat poverty. CARE India is working in 21 states, 290+ districts, and 93 programmes.
Goonj (an Indian NGO) uses material as a tool to address critical gaps in rural infrastructure, water, environment, livelihood, education, health, disaster relief, and rehabilitation. Goonj has built a network of communities from urban to village India.
Oxfam India is an international NGO in Delhi. Working for humanitarian response, economic justice, disaster recovery and management, gender justice, social inclusion, and making sanitation & hygiene facilities accessible.
The Uday Foundation is one of the best NGOs in Delhi, working for food donations in India. Their goal is to provide nutritious and free meals to underprivileged families of hospital patients and children.