Health Care - Other services NGOs and Charities in Bhopal

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing other Health Care services.. Total Results = 7

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Aaroha is an NGO for child education. Their goal is to provide the best environment for the welfare of underprivileged children. providing them a quality education and assisting them in their development.
The Human Help Foundation is an NGO in Bhopal. Serving everyone with quality medical care, teaching, research, and hospital services
Sangath Bhopal Hub is an NGO in Bhopal, the organization has been involved in health research ethics, mental health awareness campaigns, developing capacity, and community mental health since 2011.
They support communities in terms of education, health, environment, women's empowerment, child protection, and livelihood. They also help communities with water conservation and organic farming.
They support communities in terms of education, health, environment, women's empowerment, child protection, and livelihood. They also help communities with water conservation and organic farming.