Health Care - Other services NGOs and Charities in Indore

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing other Health Care services.. Total Results = 9

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this is an NGO working in India in the areas of education, healthcare, hunger, and women empowerment. Their vision is to contribute to building an India where all people can gain access to affordable education, health care, and livelihood opportunities.
It is a non-profit organization in Indore. The central theme of our organization is to fight against malnutrition, save lives by donating blood, and lead the way towards a hunger-free and healthy society in Madhya Pradesh.
The Good Work Foundation is a non-governmental organization that promotes employment opportunities, health, education, and charitable food distribution in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
Sahoday seva sanstha is an Indore NGO, which work in the areas of social justice, education, health, and the environment.
They support communities in terms of education, blood donation, environment, old care, animal care, and women's empowerment. They also help communities arrange health check-ups for elderly people.
It is a welfare organization in Indore that provides free education, women empowerment and child development, environment protection, free career counseling, and blood donation in Madhya Pradesh.
This is an NGO in Indore that is focused on poverty alleviation. It also works on environmental protection, education, health, and livelihood. They also provide disaster relief and preparedness in Madhya Pradesh.