Health Care - Other services NGOs and Charities in Varanasi

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing other Health Care services.. Total Results = 8

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The Brihaspati Foundation is an NGO in Uttar Pradesh. It is working for education support, vocational training, women empowerment, and health care in Varanasi.
An NGO in Varanasi. Their activities are taking care of sparrows, roof gardening, raising knowledge of water conservation, promoting sustainability in urban areas, blood donation, and raising awareness.
The AARSH Health India Foundation is an organization that works for the welfare of Indian citizens. This is a health care NGO in Varanasi.
The Asha Foundation works to improve society in the areas of health, education, the environment, sports, agriculture, sanitation, and unemployment. Asha Foundation is a Varanasi-based NGO.
The best NGO in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, works for children's education, healthcare, women's empowerment, and the environment. They work as an education and literacy NGO in Varanasi.
Sushma Foundation is a Varanasi-based NGO that provides health care, environment protection, education, and help in the development of poor people in rural and urban areas without any distinction of caste or creed.
They focus on education policy, the health system, the environment, agriculture, and working for the needy groups in society. Their aim is to support individuals in creating a better environment for future generations of youth in Uttar Pradesh.