Other Societal Benefits NGOs and Charities in Varanasi

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on various issues including Peace and Conflict Resolution, Research Work, Religion & Spirituality, Transportation , Agriculture, Sports n Recreation, Crime n Safety ,Corruption and Accountability etc. in Varanasi. Total Results = 3

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The Asha Foundation works to improve society in the areas of health, education, the environment, sports, agriculture, sanitation, and unemployment. Asha Foundation is a Varanasi-based NGO.
SRF is a research-based organization in Uttar Pradesh. They are working in eastern Uttar Pradesh.
They focus on education policy, the health system, the environment, agriculture, and working for the needy groups in society. Their aim is to support individuals in creating a better environment for future generations of youth in Uttar Pradesh.