Free Hospitals and Treatment in Islamabad

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing free or subsidized health care and hospitalization services for the public. These Ngos run clinics as well as perform low cost surgeries for those who would otherwise be unable to afford it. They also run awareness campaigns for prevention of various diseases.. Total Results = 6

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Aga Khan Health Services is providing quality health care to 8 million people annually. It is one of the largest NGOs in Pakistan. They are working on healthcare, education, agriculture & food security, early childhood development etc.
WHO- World Health Organization is a UN body focused on improving health across the globe. WHO country office Pakistan is in Islamabad and works with various NGOs and charities to promote public health.
MSF provides healthcare for women and children in the rural areas of Pakistan. MSF has been working in Pakistan since 1986 with communities affected from natural disasters.

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