International NGOs and Charities in Islamabad

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on international development and charity work. These organizations often have offices in multiple countries and work in collaboration with local NGOs.. Total Results = 50

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IRARA is a global name in supporting governments, NGOs and international organisations in all matters relating to migration.
Save the Children International (SCI) is one of the leading international NGOs working for children's rights and welfare. Its work is spread across 120 countries. In Pakistan, the NGO is based in Islamabad. It started operations in Pakistani in 1979.
United Nation's Development program is a body of the UN. They collaborate with local NGOs and the government of Pakistan to create and promote solutions to local problems and improve living standards. They promote UN SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals.
USAID is the international development department of the government of United States. USAID Pakistan provides funding and support to NGOs, NPOs and government of Pakistan for various development activities.
The World Food Program is an international NGO which is a body of the United Nations. It provides food assistance worldwide.

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The Malala Fund’s vision is to create a world where all girls can learn and thrive. The Malala Fund supports education campaigners and activists who are fighting against policies and systems that prevent girls from attending school in their villages.

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