Environment and Climate NGOs and Charities in Islamabad

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting environment. They run awareness campaigns for climate change and pressurize governments to adopt policies for reducing carbon emissions. Many are also focused on adopting renewable energy solutions. in Islamabad. Total Results = 49

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Pakistan Red Crescent society is an Islamabad based NGO. Its primary work is disaster recovery and management. Others services include health care and poverty alleviation. It is one of the oldest charities in Pakistan, working since 1947.
USAID is the international development department of the government of United States. USAID Pakistan provides funding and support to NGOs, NPOs and government of Pakistan for various development activities.
PPAF Fund is working for building resilience to disasters & climate change, development of hydropower and renewable project, programme for poverty reduction ,interest free loan programme in pakistan.

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