Free Vocational Training NGOs in Lahore

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on vocational training programs for the public, specially youth. These include skilled based courses that help people in getting skilled employment.. Total Results = 11

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SOS is a non-profit organization working for the welfare, education, and upbringing of orphans in Pakistan. It runs orphan homes in Lahore and multiple cities in Pakistan.
They are working in 3 core areas:- education, social Innovation and community development. Their aim is to enhance the educational system in Pakistan through the introduction of the concept of "Informal education system" and "Education research labs".

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Tevta's vision is to empower youth with a focus on demand-driven skills and to develop economic opportunities through entrepreneurship and job placement. Tevta short courses provide career guidance to students in every tehsil and district of the province.

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