Ambulance services in Karachi

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing Free or subsidized ambulance services for transfer of patients to hospitals within city and to remote locations. They act as an adjunct to government services.. Total Results = 11

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JDC is a relatively new NGO in Pakistan, however due to its exemplary services, it has quickly grown into a large organization. Its services include health centers, education, vocational training, disaster recovery, orphanages, free food distribution etc.
Chhipa Welfare Association is a Karachi-based NGO. Its charity work includes ambulance service, free food distribution, morgue services, orphanages, and others. Chhipa Ambulance is one of the largest networks of ambulance services in Pakistan.
Edhi Ambulance is the oldest and one of the biggest ambulance service in the world. It is operated by the Edhi Foundation as a charity and non-profit service.
Sukh Initiative provides access to contraception for families by raising awareness, and giving them more options. Its services include healthcare for mothers and children, extended care paramedic ECP and ambulance services in Karachi. (Aman Ambulance).
Women Being Welfare Organization is an NGO working in Karachi for hunger & food insecurity. They also have ambulance services in Karachi.

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Sindh Integrated Emergency & Health Services - SIEHS along with GoS, is committed to strengthening the primary health care structure in Sindh by providing free ambulance services and effective health services.
Sirat-E-Mustaqeem Welfare Trust is committed to keep people healthy & safe. It is a Karachi based NGO.

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